Master\u2019s Degree in Gerontology \u2013 Three Year Duration
\nStudents who complete a gerontology master\u2019s program qualify for executive level positions in the field. These include roles as senior administrators and directors of services for the elderly.


The gerontology master\u2019s degree curriculum normally requires that students complete a research-based project or a thesis on a topic related to aging. Options may include:


In addition to the research project or thesis, master\u2019s students in gerontology programs must complete a combination of core courses, elective courses, and an internship.


Core courses always cover:


Electives may include:


Some schools may not require students with relevant work experience in the field of gerontology to complete an internship.


Doctoral Degree in Gerontology \u2013 Four to Five Year Duration
\nDoctoral degree programs in gerontology prepare students for high-level roles as sociologists, university professors, and researchers. Courses often focus on the same areas as those listed above in the Master\u2019s Degree in Gerontology section. In doctoral programs, however, students receive advanced training in research and statistical techniques that can be applied to practice and policy development.


In addition to coursework, doctoral candidates are required to take one or more examinations and to complete a dissertation. Here are some sample dissertation topics in the field:

\n", "display_order": 2, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:10.821098-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-01-11T12:48:48.867531-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 998, "page": 1, "title": "Degrees Similar to Gerontology", "summary_markdown": "**[Healthcare Administration](/degrees/healthcare-administration-degree/)** \r\nDegree programs in healthcare administration prepare students to manage the business aspects of medical facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and private practices. These programs provide training in basic medical and health knowledge and terminology, as well as in the clerical tasks of maintaining patient medical records, managing billing, and overseeing staff. \r\n\r\n**[Occupational Therapy](/degrees/occupational-therapy-degree/)** \r\nDegree programs in occupational therapy focus on helping patients adapt to loss of function by improving their fine motor and cognitive skills. \r\n\r\n**[Physical Therapy](/degrees/physical-therapy-degree/)** \r\nPhysical therapy majors learn how to treat patients for whom movement has become strained or limited due to injury, illness, or aging. \r\n\r\n**[Public Administration](/degrees/public-administration-degree/)** \r\nPublic administration degree programs teach students how to make and direct policy at various levels of government. These policies can involve a wide spectrum of public concerns, from healthcare to social programs to the environment. \r\n\r\nTypical courses for public administration students include community analysis, economic development, grant writing, local politics and administration, organization theory, public budgeting and financial administration, public policy, structure of government, volunteerism and the non-profit sector.", "content_markdown": "**[Pre-Medicine](/degrees/pre-medicine-degree/) (Pre-Med)** \r\nPre-med programs, designed to prepare students for medical school, include courses in general biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, and physics. \r\n\r\n**[Sociology](/degrees/sociology-degree/)** \r\nDegree programs in sociology are focused on studying groups, from two people and beyond. Sociology students examine human behavior patterns and relationships at both the micro-level and the macro-level. They study interactions between individuals as well as in families, peer groups, cultural groups, gender groups, racial groups, religious groups, and social classes. \r\n\r\n**[Social Work](/degrees/social-work-degree/)** \r\nSocial work is about helping people solve and cope with problems and challenges in their everyday lives. Social workers work with the mental, emotional, and behavioral issues of individuals from every walk of life.", "content_html": "

Pre-Medicine (Pre-Med)
\nPre-med programs, designed to prepare students for medical school, include courses in general biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, and physics.


\nDegree programs in sociology are focused on studying groups, from two people and beyond. Sociology students examine human behavior patterns and relationships at both the micro-level and the macro-level. They study interactions between individuals as well as in families, peer groups, cultural groups, gender groups, racial groups, religious groups, and social classes.


Social Work
\nSocial work is about helping people solve and cope with problems and challenges in their everyday lives. Social workers work with the mental, emotional, and behavioral issues of individuals from every walk of life.

", "display_order": 3, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:10.822151-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-01-11T12:52:03.015496-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 998, "page": 1, "title": "Skills You’ll Learn", "summary_markdown": "**Assessment and Report Writing** \r\nGerontology involves tracking, assessing, and recording client progress. These are skills that are transferrable to many professional sectors.\r\n\r\n**Communication and Interpersonal Skills** \r\nGerontologists are consistently called upon to interact, to listen, to understand, and to present possible solutions to their patients and their patients\u2019 families. \r\n\r\n**Critical Thinking and Problem Solving** \r\nGerontologists have to deal with their elderly patients\u2019 medical, emotional, social, and financial problems. Therefore, the ability to assess situations and think critically to find solutions is a significant part of this kind of work. \r\n\r\n**Cultural Awareness / Appreciation for Diversity** \r\nGerontologists are exposed to people from different backgrounds and home environments. They must work effectively with people from diverse racial, ethnic, cultural, and gender backgrounds. \r\n\r\n**Empathy and Compassion** \r\nThe capacities to empathize and show compassion are especially needed in this field, because gerontology professionals often work with people in stressful situations. \r\n\r\n**Patience and a Sense of Humor** \r\nThe work of helping elderly people cope with their challenges is not easy work. And it is not fast work. The role calls for patience, for an appreciation of small victories, and sometimes, even for a sense of humor. \r\n\r\n**Trust Building** \r\nWorking with people with various backgrounds and problems requires building trust. Clients have to feel safe and supported if they are to share their burdens and accept help.", "content_markdown": "", "content_html": "

Assessment and Report Writing
\nGerontology involves tracking, assessing, and recording client progress. These are skills that are transferrable to many professional sectors.


Communication and Interpersonal Skills
\nGerontologists are consistently called upon to interact, to listen, to understand, and to present possible solutions to their patients and their patients\u2019 families.


Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
\nGerontologists have to deal with their elderly patients\u2019 medical, emotional, social, and financial problems. Therefore, the ability to assess situations and think critically to find solutions is a significant part of this kind of work.


Cultural Awareness / Appreciation for Diversity
\nGerontologists are exposed to people from different backgrounds and home environments. They must work effectively with people from diverse racial, ethnic, cultural, and gender backgrounds.


Empathy and Compassion
\nThe capacities to empathize and show compassion are especially needed in this field, because gerontology professionals often work with people in stressful situations.


Patience and a Sense of Humor
\nThe work of helping elderly people cope with their challenges is not easy work. And it is not fast work. The role calls for patience, for an appreciation of small victories, and sometimes, even for a sense of humor.


Trust Building
\nWorking with people with various backgrounds and problems requires building trust. Clients have to feel safe and supported if they are to share their burdens and accept help.

", "display_order": 4, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:10.823240-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-11-18T13:55:43.083200-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 998, "page": 1, "title": "What Can You Do with a Gerontology Degree?", "summary_markdown": "Gerontology graduates can apply their knowledge and expertise in the area of aging in a wide variety of work environments: \r\n\r\n- Academia / Research and Teaching \r\n- Adult Day Care \r\n- Assisted Living Communities \r\n- Elder Advocacy Groups \r\n- Case Management \r\n- Community Organizations \r\n- Counseling \r\n- Elder Law \r\n- Government Departments and Agencies (examples: Social Security Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, California Department of Aging, Los Angeles Department of Community and Senior Services) \r\n- Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)", "content_markdown": "- Hospitals \r\n- Long Term Insurance Companies \r\n- Marketing \r\n- Mental Health Agencies \r\n- Nursing Homes / Long-term Care Facilities \r\n- Organizations (examples: American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), Alzheimer\u2019s Association, American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, National Institute on Aging) \r\n- Pharmaceutical Companies \r\n- Religious Organizations (example: Jewish Family Services) \r\n- Retirement Communities \r\n- Skilled Nursing Facilities", "content_html": "", "display_order": 5, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:10.824491-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-01-11T12:54:28.797480-08:00"}], "degree_specializations": []}">





  • 历史和当代的老龄化趋势
  • 种族、文化和老龄化
  • 年龄的性别差异
  • 社会支持和倡导
  • 照顾者的压力
  • 老年人的老龄化和忽视
  • 相关的政府立法和公共政策
  • 老年人住房/从独立生活到依赖生活的过渡
  • 年龄的增长和身心健康的变化
  • 临终问题/悲伤的过程
  • 制药和干预措施





  • 老年学概论-培养对老年的认识,与老年人沟通,为老年人服务
  • 衰老生物学——衰老对人体组织和细胞的影响
  • 心理健康和老龄化——在晚年生活中常见的精神障碍,评估和治疗患者
  • 最佳老化——老化理论的考察影响因素,如性格,文化,精神,性
  • 体育活动与衰老——老年人的健康,运动对老年人的生理和心理影响
  • 性别与衰老——从男性和女性的角度来看,衰老的身体、心理、情感和精神方面
  • 民族老年学——从民族、家庭和文化的影响看老龄化
  • 老年人的食物和营养——老年人不断变化的营养需求
  • 老年性——晚年的性行为
  • 痴呆-不同形式的痴呆和对痴呆患者的照顾
  • 临终关怀——姑息和临终关怀,帮助老年人面对自己的死亡
  • 老年学研究方法——理论与方法



  • 对与衰老相关的特定主题的理论和研究文献的评论
  • 包括对相关文献和方法的回顾的拨款提案
  • 对现有干预方案的评估或新方案的提出
  • 老年医学的具体政策分析



  • 老年学研究技术“,
  • 老年学的定性方法(参与观察、深度访谈和焦点小组)


  • 老年学高级理论“,
  • yabo亚搏体育老年人社区住房、保健和支助服务
  • 机构生活
  • 心理健康和晚年疾病




  • 老年大脑:痴呆症和阿尔茨海默症的生物学基础
  • 治疗老年抑郁症
  • 虐待老年人与法律
  • 老年人如何应对先进科技
  • 定义成功的老化




















  • 学术/研究和教学
  • 成人日托
  • 辅助生活社区
  • 大团体
  • 病例管理
  • yabo亚搏体育社区组织
  • 咨询
  • 老法
  • 政府部门和机构(例如:社会保障局、退伍军人事务部、加州老龄部、洛杉矶社区和老年服务部)yabo亚搏体育
  • 健康维护组织(hmo)
  • 医院
  • 长期保险公司
  • 市场营销
  • 精神卫生机构
  • 护理院/长期护理设施
  • 组织(例如:美国退休人员协会(AARP),阿尔茨海默氏症协会,美国老年家庭和服务协会,国家老龄研究所)
  • 制药公司
  • 宗教组织(例如:犹太家庭服务)
  • 退休社区
  • 专业护理设施


