佛森湖学院(FLC)是加利福尼亚州佛森市的一所社区学院。yabo亚搏体育它是加利福尼亚社区大学系统和洛斯利奥斯社区学院区的yabo亚搏体育一部分。2004年1月,福尔索姆湖学院获得了西方学校和学院协会社区和初级学院认证委员会的最初认证,这是美国六个区域认证协会之一。yabo亚搏体育认证向学生和社区认证,教育机构符合或超过特定质量标准。yabo亚搏体育福尔索姆湖学院(Folsom Lake College)为社区yabo亚搏体育提供了在其主要的福尔索姆(Folsom)校园提供的课程,位于10大学公园大道(College Parkway),两个外展中心(位于普莱西维尔(Placerville)的埃尔多拉多中心(El Dorado Center)和兰乔·科尔多瓦中心(Rancho Cordova Center))以及附近的各种现场地点。2005年秋季,福尔索姆湖学院(Folsom Lake College)在其主校园内开设了超过65,000平方英尺(6,000平方米)的新教学设施。2006年春季,Folsom校园上的一家新书店/自助餐厅和El Dorado Center校园的新教学大楼开业。Construction on 50,000-square-foot (5,000 m2) of new instructional facilities is ongoing at the Folsom campus, with opening expected for Spring 2007. All of this construction is part of the college’s Master Plan, which calls for the college to gradually grow to eventually accommodate 15,000-20,000 students. As of Fall 2005, Folsom Lake College enrolled approximately 6,600 students choosing among approximately 1,000 different course offerings. Those students were served by 74 full-time faculty, including 9 counselors, 180 part-time faculty, 69 classified staff, and eight administrators. The college offers students over 30 different Associate of Arts or Science degree options, as well as over 30 certificate alternatives. In 2011, the Folsom Lake College Visual and Performing Arts Center opened to the public. The center includes an 850-seat main theater, a 200-seat city stage, and a 100-seat recital hall. The center cost approximately $42.3 million. The majority, $38 million, came from state and district bonds. $4.3 came from a district capital campaign. The Folsom City Council contributed $500,000 to FLC in exchange for the right to name the 200-seat studio theater. Also in 2010, FLC began its own athletic program. Men's and women's golf and tennis began in Spring 2010. Folsom Lake is the home of the Falcons and their colors are teal and black.
- 提供证书和副学士学位
- 7,911名学生
- 每名学生0.06名教职员工
- www.flc.losrios.edu/
最受欢迎的学位是生物学,,,,商业,,,,计算机科学,,,,数学,,,,人文科学,,,,物理,,,,心理学, 和社会科学。
Folsom Lake College提供的经济援助
2017年,福尔索姆湖学院(Folsom Lake College)的本科生中有52%获得了赠款或贷款。